A BroadcastVision Entertainment Company

Click the button to download a printable PDF copy, or find the full instructions below.

[button color=”accent-color” hover_text_color_override=”#fff” size=”medium” url=”https://www.audiofetch.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/FetchExpress-Quick-Guide-LED-Reference.pdf” text=”Download FetchExpress LED Reference Guide” color_override=””]


The FetchExpress is not working – comparing its LED indicators to the normal/expected behavior described here may provide clues to the problem.

FetchExpress - LED Lights Reference


LED Indicator Reference


Normal sequence from power-on (FetchExpress provides its own WiFi network which users connect to)

FetchExpress LED LIght Reference - Access Point


Normal sequence from power-on (FetchExpress connects in to your existing WiFi network)

FetchExpress LED LIght Reference - Wireless Client


Wireless Client Mode

If red status LED remains blinking forever (stuck at steps 4 or 5 above) the FetchExpress cannot connect to your WiFi network.

  • Check that your WiFi network is working correctly and other devices can connect successfully.
  • If your WiFi is configured for Captive Portal (there is a splash screen or login page) then the both MAC addresses of the AudioFetch Express must be added your network’s whitelist of clients allowed to bypass the captive portal.
  • Check that WiFi SSID and password on your network are the same as indicated to AudioFetch when FetchExpress ordered.
  • For additional help refer to: AudioFetch Network Troubleshooting Guide.

Using The Doghouse Configuration Portal

When using the Doghouse to make configuration changes, the status LEDs may blink in other patterns temporarily.


If you have any questions or issues using the ad portal, please contact our in house technical service team at 1-888-330-4283 ext.3 or try the Live Chat available throughout the week day.