How Your Business or Organization Can Host Drive-In Events

Many of our church customers are hosting parking lot church services, allowing their members to continue coming together while maintaining a safe physical distance. These “drive-in” style services let their members maintain a sense of community and connection, without risking the health of themselves and their families. These socially-distant gatherings have been so popular over […]
3 Fun Ways to Enjoy the Summer!

Summer is finally here, with its long days that stretch into evening, allowing more time to enjoy life outside, more fun with friends, more time for playing sports. Being outside has amazing benefits as well. Just being outside can lower blood pressure, fight depression and improve memory. Natural sunlight helps mitigate pain and boost the […]
Watching Sports is Great for Your Health

Sports fanatics everywhere rejoice! According to ScienceAlert, there’s research proving that watching sports is actually healthy for you. Vaughan Macefield, Professor of Integrative Physiology in the School of Medicine at University of West Sydney says, “We know that the sympathetic nervous system – which supplies the heart, sweat glands and blood vessels increases its […]
Listening to TV at the Gym in 2019

According to Statista, the top two New Year’s Resolutions are to “get more exercise” and to “eat healthier.” Basically, these two resolutions work together to say that millions of people want to feel better, stay or get healthy, and take better care of themselves in the new year. It’s easier to stick to a goal […]
How to Host an Outdoor Movie Screening This Halloween

Hollywood Forever Cemetery in Los Angeles, CA will be hosting a costume ball and outdoor screening of “Willy Wonka” this Halloween Eve. It is a tradition at Halloween for the Cemetery to host outdoor movies, usually scary ones, as a means of raising funds for care of the cemetery. And hundreds of people show up. […]
Audio Streaming Could Save Lives in an Emergency

In emergency situations it is vital that communication be clear and immediately accessible to all involved. Loud speakers can become muffled and may not be appropriate to use in every situation. Hearing assistive streaming devices are an effective and useful alternate solution for efficient communication. In the event of an emergency, a communication system that […]
The Benefits of a Personal PA System

Whether you’re a factory manager, a tour guide, a minister or a sports bar manager, you understand the importance of keeping your people happy. Information is today’s currency, and there is so much of it, coming so quickly, that being able to convey and understand critical information is of top importance. Communication is essential, whether between your […]
Is Audio Streaming Right for Your House of Worship?

A house of worship should be a place that brings people from all walks of life together for fellowship. With young and old, bilingual speakers and various disabilities all coming together in one space, a house of worship needs solutions to help meet its congregation’s audio needs. It used to be that adding assistive listening […]
The Top 3 Blogs of 2017

We had an incredible year in 2017! We shared a lot of information about audio solutions for all types of businesses, as well as innovative ideas and tips for using audio to benefit your business and your community. However, the below three blogs were our most read during 2017. Take another look at these helpful […]
New Richmond Area Centre Installs AudioFetch

We hold a very high standard for customer service. While our products are easy to install, sometimes our clients still need some extra support to help with unrelated issues like wifi troubleshooting – and we are there for them! Our install at the New Richmond Area Centre was no exception. With the slogan, “Health, Fitness […]