Get The Edge On March Madness

2,520 minutes, 42 hours, two weeks, one champion. For 64 teams, and fans across the globe, every single minute builds into one of the most defining moments in sports history every year. Teams will be cemented as dynasties, players as legends. If you want to make sure your that your patrons don’t miss a single […]
Creating a More Family-Friendly Environment

Let’s face it. Sometimes public places and kids don’t mix. We’ve all been there. Maybe you’re the unsuspecting diner enjoying a peaceful night out, when suddenly you’re ambushed by a screaming child running up and down the aisle. Maybe, alas, you’re the parent of said lovable munchkin, cringing in embarrassment. Or maybe you’re the owner of the […]
How to Run Ads Through AudioFetch’s Ad Portal

When you make the smart decision to install AudioFetch in your business, whether it’s a sports bar, house of worship, fitness center, educational facility or any other venue, you are provided with an added benefit to help further promote specials or events at your business. Each AudioFetch customer is able to place ads or graphics […]
How a Local Audio Streaming System Saves Time and Increases Sales

Local audio streaming systems are great for your customers–they can listen in to the game or TV program of their choosing and the sound is better because it’s not competing with other sources. They’re also great for your business, helping to make your staff more efficient and drive additional sales. Below are six ways that […]
9 Ways to Promote Your Local Audio Streaming Offer

So, you’ve made the wise decision to install AudioFetch in your business? Good for you! Sit back and bask in the gratitude of your patrons and enjoy the benefits it brings your business for a minute. Want to do more to increase that gratitude and those benefits? Promoting AudioFetch at your establishment can increase usage […]
5 Ways Local Audio Streaming Improves Your Guest’s Experience

Happy guests make for happy bar and restaurant owners. That’s because happy guests come back more often, and when they do, they spend 67% more than first-time customers. So how do you keep guests coming back (and ultimately spending more)? You might say by providing high quality of food and drinks at affordable prices. And […]