How to Host an Outdoor Movie Screening This Halloween
Hollywood Forever Cemetery in Los Angeles, CA will be hosting a costume ball and outdoor screening of “Willy Wonka” this Halloween Eve. It is a tradition at Halloween for the Cemetery to host outdoor movies, usually scary ones, as a means of raising funds for care of the cemetery. And hundreds of people show up. […]
Audio Streaming Could Save Lives in an Emergency
In emergency situations it is vital that communication be clear and immediately accessible to all involved. Loud speakers can become muffled and may not be appropriate to use in every situation. Hearing assistive streaming devices are an effective and useful alternate solution for efficient communication. In the event of an emergency, a communication system that […]
The Benefits of a Personal PA System
Whether you’re a factory manager, a tour guide, a minister or a sports bar manager, you understand the importance of keeping your people happy. Information is today’s currency, and there is so much of it, coming so quickly, that being able to convey and understand critical information is of top importance. Communication is essential, whether between your […]
The Best Audio Streaming System For Your Business
Has your company ever had an all-hands meeting where half the team had to listen from the hallway because it was too crowded in the boardroom? How about the last time you were in a packed bar trying to watch a game with 60 TVs playing other games? Have you ever had to sit in […]
How Offering Music Can Change Your Company
The workplace can often be a stressful, noisy, and congested environment. Issues like these lead to dissatisfaction among employees and/or customers, as well as decreased productivity, all of which affect your bottom line. One way to mitigate these challenges, and create a more effective and efficient workplace is providing music through a wireless audio streaming […]